Pillar Meditation
Activate your Pillar of Light
We are living in tumultuous times and have the privilege of witnessing the birthing and emergence of a new level of consciousness that will radically transform reality.
We have now entered the next phase of our Ascension Adventure and we need as many Souls as possible doing ‘The Great Work of Our Times’ so we can witness the Collective Awakening of Humanity.
Join me in this powerful guided meditation and energy transmission as we Activate our Light Pillars, Anchor the 5D Frequencies and Ground our Essence deep into the Earth Grid.
As we each stand within ourselves as unified, individuated Beings, we can finally stand beside each other in unity. No more projections, no more leaning on others, just each of us standing in our Inner Light as the Divine Vessels We Truly Are.
Benefits of doing this Meditation:
You will be a Pillar on the cutting edge of our collective awakening that holds, sustains, anchors and amplifies Ascension Waves as they spread deeper and deeper into the fabric of Humanity.
You will speed up the transmutation of the energetic systems we have been working with for a long time that are no longer adequate to the level of frequency we can absorb and embody.
I am Soul Honored to offer this to you, dear Light Ally, as a gift and expression of my Passion for our Joyful Soul Expansion
Let’s do this!!!
Simply fill the form below and click on the button. Once you click submit the form you will be redirected to a page to watch and/or listen to the beautiful guided meditation and powerful activation of our Pillars of Light.
*You will also be added to my Joyful Soul Expansion Community and offered the opportunity to embark on a beautiful Soul-based journey with me!
We are living in tumultuous times and have the privilege of witnessing the birthing and emergence of a new level of consciousness that will radically transform reality. We have now entered the next phase of our Ascension Adventure and we need as many Souls as possible doing ‘The Great Work of Our Times’ so we can witness the Collective Awakening of Humanity.
Join me in this powerful guided meditation and energy transmission as we Activate our Light Pillars, Anchor the 5D Frequencies and Ground our Essence deep into the Earth Grid. As we each stand within ourselves as unified, individuated Beings, we can finally stand beside each other in unity. No more projections, no more leaning on others, just each of us standing in our Inner Light as the Divine Vessels We Truly Are.
Simply fill the form below and click on the button and you will be redirected to a page on this web site to watch and/or listen to the beautiful guided meditation and powerful activation of our Pillars of Light I am offering you as a gift and expression of my passion for our Joyful Soul Expansion.
Once you register to receive the audio, you will also be added to my Joyful Soul Expansion Community and offered the opportunity to embark on a beautiful Soul-based journey with me!
I am honored to be your ally and guide on your journey back to your TRUE HOME, deep in the HEART of your SOUL.
Julie ♥ Claire, aka Your Joyful Soul Expansion Companion
on your journey back to your TRUE HOME,
deep into the HEART of your SOUL

Trained in multiple Healing Modalities over the last 22 years, Julie ♥ Claire is an Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Teacher and Energy Harmonizer devoted to decluttering the Soul Structure and preparing the Energy Bodies for Ascension into the 5th Dimension.
Throughout her Evolutionary Embodiment journey she has bridged the gap between intellect and intuition by anchoring them deep into the body and converging these 3 ways of knowing into a powerful healing system she calls ‘Multi-Dimensional Harmonization Method’ (MDHM).
Her Spiritual Mentorship Programs are focused on teaching energy tools to develop psychic abilities, activate spiritual powers, fine-tune intuition and upgrade energetic structures.
Her deepest passion and ultimate pleasure is to be a Guide and Companion to all who are ready to expand out of limited mind and into limitless Soul, ground their Essence and come back to their Spiritual Senses.

Trained in multiple Healing Modalities over the last 22 years, Julie ♥ Claire is an Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Teacher and Energy Harmonizer devoted to decluttering the Soul Structure and preparing the Energy Bodies for Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Throughout her Evolutionary Embodiment journey she has bridged the gap between intellect and intuition by anchoring them deep into the body and converging these 3 ways of knowing into a powerful healing system she calls ‘Multi-Dimensional Harmonization Method’ (MDHM). Her Spiritual Mentorship Programs are focused on teaching energy tools to develop psychic abilities, activate spiritual powers, fine-tune intuition and upgrade energetic structures. Her deepest passion and ultimate pleasure is to be a Guide and Companion to all who are ready to expand out of limited mind and into limitless Soul, ground their Essence and come back to their Spiritual Senses.