Back to the Energy Body Basics
Welcome to Module 2!
All Modules have 2 parts. In Part I present a specific Chakra and a Guided Meditation to access it. In Part 2 I use the Quantum Liberation Method to do Downloads and Discernments related to that Chakra and its overall theme, followed by a Group Discussion to share our experiences of the process.
Part 1
Global Presentation and Deep Dive into the Sacral Chakra.
Part 2
Downloads & Discernments and Group Discussion.
Ready to continue?
Please give yourself time to process and fully absorb the energy work we have done in this module before going into the next series of Teachings, Guided Meditations and Activations. Remember : this is not a race! Slow and steady progress, with integration and contemplation time, will bring you further along than trying to plow through all the content. That said, follow your intuition and gut feeling. If you feel ready to continue, click below to access Module 3.
Here is a quick access to the other modules if you are re-visiting the content.