Back to the Energy Body Basics

Welcome to ‘Back to the Energy Body Basics’, a 5 Module Program to explore your 7 main Chakras and your Hara Line.

This series of Teachings, Guided Meditations and Activations offers you a deep dive into the 7 main Chakras that compose your Auric Field, as well as a hands-on introduction to working with the deeper level of your Being, the Intentional Field of the Hara Line. 

Each of the 5 Modules has  2 parts, organized into Teachings, Guided Meditations and Activations, followed by a Group Discussion during which participants share their experiences. 

I am Soul Honored to be your Guide and Companion as you embark on this beautiful journey with me! My recommendations, as you dive into this adventure into your Soul Structure with me, are as follows :


Don’t overdo it

Please aim for a maximum of 1 module per week, this is not a race!  Slow down if you are experiencing intense physical or psycho-emotional symptoms such as extreme fatigue or mental instability.


Drink water

You are doing deep systemic-level re-structuring work on your energy field. Give your body what it needs to process and renew itself (water, healthy foods, time in nature, rest and relaxation).


Enjoy the Ride

This really is an adventure and we get to live in an amazing and unique time period  in the fabric of the Space-Time Continuum. Be playful with this process even when deep pain comes up.


All the teachings, guided meditations and activations of this program were originally offered in my Joyful Soul Expansion Spiritual Mentorship Program (JSEMP) in 2022. They followed the Ascension Particles Activation Program and are followed by the Core Star Flow Series (see Courses section).

I’m with you all the way! Reach out anytime you need to, I am honored to be your Guide as well as your Joyful Soul Expansion Companion!  Use the menu below to access the modules. Do them in order at least once before you revisit your favorite ones.

Julie Claire

Ready to start?

Please give yourself time to process and fully absorb the energy work you will do in each module before going into the next series of Teachings, Guided Meditations and Activations. Remember : this is not a race! Slow and steady progress, with integration and contemplation time, will bring you further along than trying to plow through all the content. Click below to start your journey into your 7 main Chakras.

Here is a quick access to the other modules if you are re-visiting the content.

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